Dusk on the Canals of Venice

How far that little candle throws his beams! So shines a good deed in a weary world.
― William Shakespeare, The Merchant of Venice

Venice is a beautiful city — the canals, architecture, and art create a dreamlike scene. Had there been quiet places to sit in the summer, I would’ve sat and watched the canals for hours. But that’s not really an easy thing to do when surrounded by tourists (and there are plenty of signs about to push people along so they don’t loiter and possibly *gasp* eat their take-out food in a public space).venice italy

Nonetheless, Venice makes wanderers stop and take notice at all times of day. The majestic sights change with the light of each hour.venice italy

While the details of the the city were most vivid during the day, I enjoyed watching the sun set over the canals and the lights flicker on. Dusk was when the streets were still illuminated by the fading daylight with the added glow of streetlamps and lighted terraces.

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